What is feeling heavy?

What is feeling heavy? We say phrases like “I have baggage”, or “I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders”. What does that really mean? We know we feel pressure in our chest when overwhelmed with emotion. We know we feel butterflies in our stomach when we are nervous. But why? 

All of these analogies are talking about how we feel energy in our bodies. You see feelings are energy. We know there is no denying that feelings are real, but we can’t touch or hold them in our hands. It’s more like a gas or air if we think about it. We know it’s there but we can’t see it. 

Well, that emotional energy often gets stuck or lodged into our body. We tend as humans to not want to deal with our feelings, or for survival we just can’t process it while it is happening to keep our head above water. So that energy gets pushed down into our body and lives in us unless we process it out. 

Many believe that this unprocessed Emotional Energy is what makes us sick. It is what causes ailments and disease (dis-ease). Even if you’re not in that school of thought there is no denying that unprocessed emotions build up, and resurface usually when you least want it to.

There are a few ways it can release from our body naturally. Mother Nature gave us the gift of crying, talking, and movement. 

You see crying is the most natural way to release emotions yet our society brainwashes us that crying is not acceptable. 

Talking things through can be a big release as well, or writing. It helps our minds process it in a way that purges the energy. 

Movement is a physical way to release the energy and an important one because this energy gets lodged into our organs, muscles, tissue, and more! 

However, most people most of the time don’t fully release this stuck Energy as they don’t talk about it fully, they don’t cry it all out, or they hold back physically for many reasons such as it’s too overwhelming, they don’t want to deal, they don’t have time to deal, they underestimate how much impact it has on them, etc. 

And so it lives in the body. There have been many best-selling books on this very topic such as “The Body Keeps the Score” by Bessel Van Der Kolk MD. There is a ton of research on somatic processing. Science backs this all up. 

So if you want to feel lighter, free, and healthier then you’re going to want to focus on your body and your mind. This is why I do a ton of somatic work for myself on top of mental health therapy. For me, I do yoga, exercise, cranial sacral/somatic therapy, and reiki as my self-care, and also will have energy work done on me. I know that the combination of mind and body is what truly gives us relief. 

This is why I have developed my own healing modality for clients called Emotional Energy Reiki Healing. 

There are so many excellent somatic approaches to releasing emotional energy in the body. I invite you to try as many as you can and see what works for you. A combination is often the key. 

What do you already do for your mind/body? Please share so we can learn from each other. 

If you want to learn more about how to do this, want to try working with me, or already work with me and want to go deeper, you can get my Emotional Energy Reiki Session for 10% off this Summer of 2023. Click here to book something virtual or in person. This discount is good for one booking this summer.


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